Simple Packing and Sorting Tips When Moving

Most of the time, the best part about moving would be arriving in your new home and sitting back in admiration of your brand new space. In the meantime, however, you have the exhausting task of packing and prepping for the arrival of the movers. Here are some valuable tips that should help ease your burden and make moving a much smoother ride.

Let Go

Look around your house and as your eyes set upon something, ask yourself if you still find that that particular furniture or appliance useful. The thing is, if you’re still planning to take things that you haven’t really used in the past two years, then your moving expenses just might balloon, not to mention that you’ll have a lot of unnecessary stuff in your new place.


Choose to label boxes by room so you won’t have too much trouble unpacking. You should also write a few descriptive phrases about what’s inside each box, so as to identify those containing potentially fragile items or valuables.

Kids’ Stuff

Tell your movers to load your children’s stuff last, so that it will be the first to be unloaded. Since you most likely won’t ask your kids to help you unpack everything (kitchen utensils and children shouldn’t mix), be sure to set up their rooms first. This way, you can get them to bed early and thus out of the way of the rest of your unpacking chores.

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